
Active to Passive Voice

 Rule 1: Active से Passive बनाते समय object को subject और subject को object के स्थान पर ले आते हैं तथा object के पहले प्रायः by लगा देते हैं । जैसे -

Active : Kumar writes a letter.

Passive : A letter is written by Kumar.


First Sentence में Kumar, subject है और letter, object है लेकिन दूसरे वाक्य में letter को subject तथा Kumar को 'by' preposition का object बना दिया है ।


Rule 2: दिए हुए verb, का Past Participle बनाकर उसके पहले उसी Tense का verb 'to be' (am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being) का रूप लगा दिया जाता है , जैसा की निम्न तालिका में दिया गया है :






 Perfect Continuous




 am being 
 is being 
 are being

 has been 


 Not  Possible






 had been

 Not Possible


 will be 




 will have

 shall have









Present Tense




He kills a snake

A snake is killed by him.


He is killing a snake.

A snake is being killed by him.


He has killed a snake.

A snake has been killed by him.

Past Tense




He killed a snake.

A snake was killed by him.


He was killing a snake.

A snake was being killed by him.


He had killed a snake.

A snake had been killed by him.

Future Tense




He will kill a snake.

A snake will be killed by him.


He will have killed a snake.

A snake will have been killed by him.









Some More Examples :

1. Active : They believe me.

Passive : I am believed by them.

2. Active : He is praising me.

Passive : I am being praised by him.

3. Active : She gave me a book.

Passive : I was given a book by her.


                 A book was given me by her.


                 A book was given to me by her.

4. Active : He will help you.

Passive : You will be helped by him.


Note 1: Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous तथा Future Continuous की passive voice नहीं बनती है ।


Note 2: केवल Transitive Verbs की ही passive voice बन सकती है Intransitive Verbs की नहीं । Intransitive verbs का object न होने से passive voice नहीं बनती है ।

Note 3: कुछ verbs के बाद passive voice में 'by' preposition के स्थान पर अन्य prepositions का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -

(a) Surprised, astonished, disappointed, distressed, displeased तथा alarmed के बाद passive voice में 'at' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -


1. Active : Your intelligence surprised me.

Passive : I was surprised at your intelligence.

2. Active : His success astonished us.

Passive : We were astonished at his success.

3. Active : His defeat distressed me.

Passive : I was distressed at his defeat.

4. Active : This news alarmed his father.

Passive : His father was alarmed at this news.


(b) Known तथा obliged के बाद 'passive voice' में 'to' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -


1. Active : Everybody knows Gandhiji.

Passive : Gandhiji is known to everybody.

2. Active : He will oblige me.

Passive : I shall be obliged to him.


(c) Pleased, satisfied, disgusted, charmed, thronged तथा lined के बाद 'passive voice' में 'with' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -


1. Active : My behaviour pleased him.

Passive : He was pleased with my behaviour.

2. Active : Your work satisfies the officers.

Passive : The officers are satisfied with your work.

3. Active : Her sweet song charmed the listeners.

Passive : The listeners were charmed with her sweet song.

4. Active : The passenger lined the booking window.

Passive : The booking window was lined with the passengers.


(d) Contained तथा interested के बाद 'passive voice' में 'in' का प्रयोग होता है । जैसे -

1. Active : This box contains many beautiful things.

Passive : Many beautiful things are contained in this box.

2. Active : This book interests me.

Passive : I am interested in this book.


Note 4: कुछ Intransitive verbs के साथ prepositions का प्रयोग होता है । Prepositions के साथ मिलकर ये verbs Transitive verbs का काम करती है । Passive voice में preposition verb के साथ रहता है । जैसे -


1. Active : The girls laughed at me.

Passive : I was laughed at by the girls.

2. Active : He looks after my children.

Passive : My children are looked after by him.


Note 5: जिन Verbs के दो objects होते है , Passive voice में बदलते समय उनमे से कोई एक subject हो जाता है तथा दूसरा अपने ही स्थान पर object बना रहता है । जैसे -

1. Active : I taught him English.

Passive : He was taught English by me.


                 English was taught to him by me.


                 English was taught him by me.


Note 6: कभी-कभी Passive voice में काम करने वाले doer का प्रयोग नहीं होता, क्योकि वह important नहीं होता । जैसे -

1. Active : Someone has stolen my pen.

Passive : My pen has been stolen.

2. Active : People speak English all over the world.

Passive : English is spoken all over the world.

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