
Optative Sentences

 Reported Speech में request or wish के अर्थ में May का प्रयोग हो तो उसे Optative sentence कहते है ।

Optative Sentences - Direct and Indirect Speech


Rule 1: Reporting verb 'said' को 'wished', 'cursed' या 'prayed' में बदलकर sentence को assertive में बदल देते  हैं, connective word 'that' लगाते हैं तथा Interjection के निशान (!) को हटा देते हैं |


Note a) शुभकामना व्यकत करने के लिए wish तथा श्राप के लिए curse का प्रयोग करते हैं |

Note b) Request to God के लिए prayed का प्रयोग करते हैं |


a) Direct : He said to me, "May you live long !"

Indirect : He wished that I might live long.


b) Direct : She said, "May your enemy go to hell !"

Indirect : She cursed that my enemy might go to hell.

c) Direct : Seema said to me, "May God bless you with children !"

Indirect : Seema prayed that God might bless me with children.


Rule 2: Reported speech में Good night या Good bye का प्रयोग होता हैं तो said के स्थान पर bade का प्रयोग करते हैं तथा Good morning का प्रयोग हो तो said के स्थान पर wished प्रयोग करते हैं |

a) Direct : He said to her, "Good bye, my sister !"

Indirect : He bade good bye to his sister.


He bade his sister good bye.


b) Direct : My friend said to me, "Good morning, I am happy to see you !"

Indirect : My friend wished good morning to me and said that he was happy to see me.


c) Direct : The son said, "Good night, Mom !"

Indirect : The son bade good night to his Mom.

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