
Question Tag Rules

 Question for a Confirmation of a Statement is called Tag Question, if the statement is positive then Tag Question will become negative while Tag Question will become Positive if the statement is negative.


किसी Statement की पुष्टि (Confirmation) के लिए किया जाने वाला Question, Tag Question कहलाता है

यदि Statement Positive हो तो Tag Question Negative बनेगा जबकि Statement Negative होने पर Tag Question Positive बनेगा

Tag Question – Helping Verb + Positive/Negative + Pronoun

Tag Question में Pronoun का उपयोग Statement (Sentence) Subject के अनुसार करेगे

Tag Question में Helping Verb + Not को  हमेशा Abbreviated Form में लिखा जाता है


Do Not          -           Don’t

Does Not      -           Doesn’t

Is Not            -           Isn’t

Am Not         -           Aren’t

Did Not         -           Didn’t

Was Not       -           Wasn’t

Were Not     -           Weren’t

Has Not        -           Hasn’t

Have Not      -           Haven’t

Had Not        -           Hadn’t

Shall Not      -           Shan’t

Will Not        -           Won’t

Cannot          -           Can’t

Could Not    -           Couldn’t

Should Not  -           Shouldn’t

Would Not  -           Wouldn’t

Must Not      -           Mustn’t




अगर वाक्य में Helping Verb नहीं दी गई हो तथा Main Verb के रूप में Verb की First Form, Verb की First Form + s/es अथवा V2  Form दी गई हो तो Question Tag बनाते समय Helping Verb +Not के रूप में क्रमशः Don’t, Doesn’t Didn’t का प्रयोग करेगे

V1                   -              Don’t

V1  + s/es -            Doesn’t

V2                   -               Didn’t

Example –

            1.     She Plays Cricket, Doesn’t She?

            2.     They Play Cricket, Don’t They?

            3.     They Played Cricket, Didn’t They?

            4.     Ram Visited This Place, Didn’t He?



अगर वाक्य में Helping Verb नहीं हो तथा Main Verb के रूप में Has, Have, Had दिया गया हो तो Question Tag बनाते समय Helping Verb + Not के रूप में क्रमशः Doesn’t, Don’t, Didn’t का प्रयोग करेगे


1.     I have a car , don’t i?

2.     She has a car, doesn’t she?

3.     They had a car, didn’t they?



यदि वाक्य में Semi- Negative Word दिए हुये हो तो इनका Tag Question हमेशा Positive बनेगा

Semi-Negative Words

Hardly                                  Seldom

Scarcely                                Few

Rarely                                   Little

Barely                                   Nobody

No                                          Nothing

Never                                  Noone


1.     Barking Dog Seldom Bites, Does It?

2.     She Never Loves Poor Man, Does She?

3.     My Father Has Few Friends, Does He?

4.     He Rarely Likes This Kind Of Food, Does He?


Rule -4

अगर वाक्य में Child , Infant (Singular)  दिया हुआ हो तो Pronoun के रूप में It का प्रयोग करेगे


1.     A Child Fell Down From Its Cradle, Didn’t It?


Rule -5

यदि वाक्य में कोई Plural Word ( Children, Teachers, Boys Etc) दिये हो तो Pronoun के रूप में They का प्रयोग करेगे


    1.     Children Are Crying, Aren’t They?

    2.     Teachers Are Coming Here, Aren’t They



Somebody                            Anybody

Someone                               Everybody

Anybody                                Everyone

Nobody                                  Noone/None

इन जेसै Indefinite Pronoun का प्रयोग वाक्य के Subject के रूप में किया गया हो तो Question Tag के Pronoun में They का प्रयोग करेगे



1.     Someone Is Waiting for Me, Aren’t They?

2.     Everybody Knows Me, Don’t They?

3.     Nobody Has Completed the Project Work, Haven’t They?

4.     All of Us Completed The Project Work, Didn’t We?

5.     Some of Finished This, Didn’t We?




यदि Something, Anything, Nothing, Everything का प्रयोग Subject के रूप में हुआ हो तो Question Tag बनाते समय Pronoun के रूप में It का प्रयोग करेगे


     1.     Something Is Here, Isn’t It?

     2.     Nothing Is Here, Is It? (Nothing एक  Negative Word है)


Rule-8   Imperative Sentence का Tag Question

Imperative Sentence का Question Tag सामान्तय Will You / Won’t You बनता है

Imperative Sentence –

जो वाक्य V1 , Don’t, Please/Kindly, Let से शुरु होते है उन्हें Imperative Sentence कहते है


     1.     Don’t Open the Door, Will You?

     2.     Please Save The Child, Won’t You?

     3.     Don’t Come Here, Will You?

     4.     Let Him Go Now, Won’t You?

     5.     Let Me Do This Work, Won’t You?

     6.     Please Call Me Papa, Won’t You?

Note – यदि Let’s/Let Us का प्रयोग वाक्य के Subject के रूप में हो तो Question Tag में Shall We  का प्रयोग करेगे

Let’s Enjoy the Party, Shall We?

Let Us Dance Togather, Shall We?

Let Us Dig The Field, Shall We ?

Let’s Make A Dish, Shall We?


Rule-9      Modals का Question Tag

Example –

1.     I Can Read English, Can’t I ?

2.     We Must Follow Rules, Mustn’t We ?

3.     She Need Not Go There, Need She ?

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