
Sentences with Common Errors - Part 1

 1. Incorrect : Cattles were grazing in the field.

Correct : Cattle were grazing in the field.


2. Incorrect : She has composed many poetries.

Correct : She has composed many poems.


3. Incorrect : Each boy and each girl are going there.

Correct : Each boy and each girl is going there.


4. Incorrect : She is senior than me.

Correct : She is senior to me.


5. Incorrect : I have brought all my furnitures.

Correct : I have brought all the articles of my furniture.


6. Incorrect : Neither of the students were absent.

Correct : Neither of the students was absent.


7. Incorrect : Each of the books were costly.

Correct : Each of the books was costly.


8. Incorrect : Always tell the truth.

Correct : Always speak the truth.


9. Incorrect : He gave me a five rupees note.

Correct : He gave me a five-rupee note.


10. Incorrect : We enjoyed at the party.

Correct : We enjoyed ourselves at the party.


11. Incorrect : When she went to Mumbai ?

Correct : When did she go to Mumbai ?


12. Incorrect : The lawyer gave me many advices.

Correct : The lawyer gave me many pieces of advice.


13. Incorrect : It is I who is your best friend.

Correct : It is I who am your best friend.

14. Incorrect : She lives in boarding.

Correct : She lives in boarding school.


15. Incorrect : My brother secured good numbers in History.

Correct : My brother secured good marks in History.


16. Incorrect : She could not get even passing marks.

Correct : She could not get even pass marks.


17. Incorrect : Bhagavad Gita is a holy book of Hindus.

Correct : The Bhagavad Gita is a holy book of Hindus.


18. Incorrect : There is no place in this carriage for so many men.

Correct : There is no room in this carriage for so many men.

19. Incorrect : All her family members are educated.

Correct : All the members of her family are educated.


20. Incorrect : No news are good news.

Correct : No news is good news.



21. Incorrect : She was in hurry.

Correct : She was in a hurry.


22. Incorrect : Your daughter did many mischiefs.

Correct : Your daughter did many acts of mischief.


23. Incorrect : She is suffering from fever for last Monday.

Correct : She has been suffering from fever since last Monday.


24. Incorrect : She passed her B.A. in 2014.

Correct : She passed B.A. in 2014.


25. Incorrect : Sonam as well as her sister have attended the party.

Correct : Sonam as well as her sister has attended the party.

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