
Active and Passive Voice – Practice Test – 1

 1. Did everybody miss the first bus?

a. The first bus was missed by everybody?

b. Was the first bus missed by everybody?

c. Everybody missed the first bus?

d. Had the first bus been missed by everybody?

2. We will not allow them to run away.

a. They will not be allowed to run away by us

b. They would not be allowed to run away

c. They are not allowed to run away

d. They were not allowed to run away

3. Everyone must read this book.

a. This book should be read by everyone

b. This book has to be read by everyone

c. This book is to be read by everyone

d. This book must be read by everyone

4. He knew that his own life was unjust.

a. It was known to him that his own life had been unjust

b. It was known by him that his own life was unjust

c. It was known to him that his own life was unjust

d. It was known by him that life was unjust

5. The student has learnt the answer by heart.

a. The answer was learnt by the student by heart

b. The answer is learnt by heart by the student

c. The answer by the student was learnt by heart

d. The answer has been learnt by heart by the student

6. The old lady touched and patted the cow.

a. The cow patted and touched the old lady

b. The cow was touched by the old lady patting her

c. The cow was patted and touched by the old lady

d. The patted cow touched the old lady

7. This watch was given to me by my grandfather.

a. My grandfather gave me this watch

b. My grandfather gives me this watch

c. My grandfather had given this watch to me

d. My grandfather has given this watch to me

8. By whom is the child being fed?

a. Who is feeding the child?

b. Who has fed the child?

c. Who was feeding the child?

d. Who has been feeding the child?

9. Alexander expected to conquer the world.

a. It was expected by Alexander that he should conquer the world

b. It was expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world

c. it was expected by Alexander that he will conquer the world

d. It had been expected by Alexander that he would conquer the world

10. She begins her day with a cup of coffee.

a. Her day is being begun with a cup of coffee

b. Her day is begun with a cup of coffee

c. A cup of coffee is beginning her day

d. A cup of coffee has begun her day













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