
Active and Passive Voice – Practice Test – 3

 1. Who tore the curtains yesterday?

a. By whom were the curtains teared yesterday?

b. By whom are the curtains torn yesterday?

c. By whom were the curtains tore yesterday?

d. By whom were the curtains torn yesterday?

2. Kindly offer your remarks.

a. You are being requested to offer your remarks.

b. You are requested to offer your remarks.

c. You have been requested to offer your remarks.

d. You were requested to offer your remarks.

3. I shall be obliged to go.

a. Circumstances would oblige me to go.

b. Circumstances may oblige me to go.

c. Circumstances will oblige me to go.

d. Circumstances could oblige me to go.

4. It is time to water the plants.

a. It is time the plants be watered.

b. It is time for the plants to be watered.

c. The plants should be watered.

d. It is time when plants are watered.

5. Our vehicle had been stolen from our garage by the same burglary team.

a. The same burglary team has stolen our vehicle from our garage.

b. The same burglary team will have stolen our vehicle from our garage.

c. The same burglary team is stealing our vehicle from our garage.

d. The same burglary team had stolen our vehicle from our garage.

6. These days most of the students do their assignments with the help of the internet.

a. These days the assignments are being done with the help of the internet by most of the students.

b. These days the assignments are done with the help of the internet by most of the students.

c. These days most of the assignments are done with the help of the internet by the students.

d. These days most of the students are doing their assignments with the help of the internet.

7. Who gave you the money?

a. Who gave the money to you?

b. Who was given the money by you?

c. By whom were you given the money?

d. By whom was you given the money?

8. The situation could hardly have been altered by the interference of the police force.

a. The interference of the police force had altered the situation.

b. The interference of the police force can hardly alter the situation.

c. The interference of the police force could hardly have altered the situation.

d. The interference of the police force could alter the situation with hardness.

9. Rajesh could not complete his paper because he had a headache.

a. Rajesh's paper could not be completed because he had a headache.

b. Rajesh's paper would not be completed because he had a headache.

c. The paper of Rajesh could not be completed by him because he had a headache.

d. The paper could not be completed by Rajesh because he had a headache.

10. The Swiss regarded him as an imposter and called him a Villain.

a. He was regarded as an imposter and is called a Villain by the Swiss.

b. He has been regarded as an imposter and called a Villain by the Swiss.

c. He was regarded as an imposter and was called a Villain by the Swiss.

d. He is regarded as an imposter and called a Villain by the Swiss.













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