
Active and Passive Voice – Practice Test – 4

 1. Who had laughed at you?

a. By whom were you laughed at?

b. By whom had you been laughed at?

c. By whom you had been laughed at?

d. Who had you been laughed at?

2. Did he plan an excursion to mountains?

a. Is an excursion to mountains planned by him?

b. Has an excursion to mountains planned by him?

c. Had an excursion to mountains planned by him?

d. Was an excursion to mountains planned by him?

3. The judge ordered the murderer to be hanged.

a. The murderer was ordered by the judge to be hanged.

b. The order was given by the judge to hang the murderer.

c. It was ordered by the judge to hang the murderer.

d. The murderer was to be hanged according to the order of the judge.

4. We shall write a novel.

a. A novel would be written by us.

b. A novel is written by us.

c. A novel will be written by us.

d. A novel will have been written by us.

5. I didn't speak even a single word in the meeting.

a. Even a single word has not been spoken by me in the meeting.

b. Even a single word was not spoken by me in the meeting.

c. Even a single word had not been spoken by me in the meeting

d. Even a single word have not been spoken by me in the meeting.

6. That too many cooks spoil the broth is known to all.

a. All know that too many cooks spoil the broth.

b. All knew that too many cooks spoil the broth.

c. All know that the broth is spoilt by too many cooks.

d. All knows that the broth is spoil by too many cooks.

7. We prohibit smoking.

a. Smoking is prohibited.

b. Smoking has been prohibited.

c. Smoking will be prohibited.

d. Smoking is being prohibited.

8. Ratan is performing an experiment.

a. Experiments were performed by Ratan.

b. An experiment is being performed by Ratan.

c. An experiment is performed by Ratan.

d. An experiment was performed by Ratan.

9. Shut the door.

a. Let door be shut.

b. Let door be shut by you.

c. Let the door be shut.

d. Let the door be shutted.

10. Sita learns her lessons daily.

a. Her lessons were learnt daily by Sita.

b. Her lessons was learnt daily by Sita.

c. Her lessons are learnt daily by Sita.

d. Her lessons is learnt daily by Sita.












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