
Active and Passive Voice – Practice Test – 6

 1. The boy did not break the glass.

a. The glass was not broken by the boy.

b. The glass had not been broken by the boy.

c. The glass is not broken by the boy.

d. The glass has not been broken by the boy.

2. The convict was found guilty by the jury.

a. The jury finds the convict guilty.

b. The jury convicted him.

c. The jury found the convict guilty.

d. The jury found that the convict was guilty.

3. She is putting in many hours of work.

a. Many hours of work will be put in by her.

b. Many hours of work would be put in by her.

c. Many hours of work are being put in by her.

d. Many hours of work is being put by her.

4. The lady of the house was furnishing the mansion.

a. The mansion is furnished by the lady of the house.

b. The mansion is being furnished by the lady of the house.

c. The mansion was being furnished by the lady of the house.

d. The mansion has been furnished by the lady of the house.

5. They established this club in 2000.

a. This club is being established in 2000.

b. This club had been established in 2000.

c. This club was being established in 200.

d. This club was established in 2000.

6. Open the door.

a. Let the door shall be opened.

b. Let the door be opened.

c. The door was opened.

d. The door shall be opened.

7. Everyone praises good men.

a. Good men are given praises by everyone.

b. Everyone give praises to good men.

c. Good men are being given praises by everyone.

d. Good men are praised by everyone.

8. The principal will announce the results.

a. The results are announced by the principal.

b. The results will be announced by the principal.

c. The results will have announced by the principal.

d. The results were announced by the principal.

9. My mother bakes cakes.

a. Cakes are baked by my mother.

b. My mother is baking a cake.

c. A cake is being baked by my mother.

d. A cake was baked by my mother.

10. For a long time people believed the earth to be flat.

a. The earth was being believed to be flat for a long time.

b. The earth had been believed to be flat for a long time.

c. The earth is believed to be flat for a long time.

d. The earth was believed to be flat for a long time.













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