

 1. We saw _____ animals at the zoo.

A. Much

B. Many

C. So Manywrong

D. All

2. It's raining ______

A. Heavy

B. Heavier

C. Heavily

D. Heaviest

3. I don’t have ______ friends.

A. Much More

B. Many

C. So Many

D. None of the Above

4. It's a small problem

A. Small

B. A

C. It's

D. Nonewrong

5. The brides were much _______ than the grooms.

A. young

B. younger

C. youngest

D. None

6. I like hot food

A. I

B. hot

C. food

D. like

7. The bus is slow.

A. is

B. slow

C. the

D. bus

8. The eagle was _______ than the bluebird.

A. big

B. bigger

C. biggest

D. most big

9. Which words are sound adjectives?

A. large, small, gigantic

B. loud, quiet, soothing

C. red, green, yellow

D. rough, smooth, cold

10. He is ________ than his neighbors.

A. rich

B. richer

C. richest

D. None


1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. B

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