

 1) (a) You are not at all junior/(b) than her in terms of/(c) getting promotion./(d)NO ERROR

2) (a) She is the /(b) most bravest girl i /(c) have ever seen./(d)NO ERROR

 3) (a) Of all the girls in /(b) the village she is /(c) the better./(d)NO ERROR

 4) (a)Reema and Sheena are best /(b) friends. The later is/(c) very hardworking./(d)NO ERROR


5)(a)The two last rows /(b) of the hall were /(c) vacant for the persons with disabilities./(d)NO ERROR

6)(a)On her next birthday /(b) i am going to send her /(c) much chocolates of dairy milk.  /(d)NO ERROR

7)(a)The chances of his passing the exam /(b) are more better than Riya /(c) as he is very laborious ./(d)NO ERROR

8)(a)The brain drain problem explains that /(b) much students are migrating to developed countries for/(c) better job opportunities./(d)NO ERROR

9)(a) You are senior than most of /(b) the professors of this college /(c) and still you are behaving like a child./(d)NO ERROR

10) (a) I always prefer reading than /(b) playing games as i /(c) am a bookworm./(d)NO ERROR


(1) (b)Junior will take ‘to’ with it instead of than.

(2)(b) ‘Most’ is superfluous here as two superlative degrees can’t be used together.(c) As the comparison is from all girls so superlative degree ‘best’ should be used in place of better.

(3)(c) As the comparison is from all girls so superlative degree ‘best’ should be used in place of better.

(4) (b) Later – following

Latter – second one

(5) (a) Use ordinal adjective before the cardinal adjective. The last two rows.

(6) (c) Countable nouns (chocolates) take many while uncountable nouns take much.

(7) (b) Two comparative degrees can’t be used.

(8) (b)  Countable nouns (students) take many while uncountable nouns take much.

(9) (a) The words that end with -ior take ‘to’ with them instead of than.

(10) (a) The verb ‘prefer’ and the adjective ‘Preferable’ always take the preposition to.

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