
Adverb SET – 5

 1. ____ , he was that sort of a man who was not suited for this job. He couldn't succeed.

A. Actually

B. Happily

C. Surely

D. Luckily

2. This room is not big ____ for both of us to study our lessons.

A. at all

B. nearly

C. just

D. enough

3. He is very punctual. He is ____ on time for school.

A. rarely

B. sometimes

C. never

D. always

4. ____ you go to the theatre is a matter of 

personal preference.

A. How long

B. When

C. How far

D. Why

5. You should give me ____ information about his identity in case I don't recognize him.

A. far

B. a little

C. further

D. many more

6. ____ the dog bit the stranger although it looked very friendly.

A. Unexpectedly

B. Fortunately

C. Admittedly

D. Naturally

7. What have you done ____ ?

A. nowadays

B. these days

C. recently

D. still

8. I can ____ remember his name, it's been years since I spoke to him last.

A. quite

B. frankly

C. hardly

D. simply

9. The judge sentenced him to be executed as he had ____ attempted to kill a man.

A. unlikely

B. deliberately

C. occasionally

D. elaborately

10. Most scientists admit that it is not ____ possible to build the Pyramids in those ages.

A. probably

B. unfortunately

C. miraculously

D. humanly


1. A

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. B

10. C

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