
Conjunctions SET – 1

1. _____ had I got out of the bank______ I saw thethieves running through the tunnel. 

A) Both / and 

B) Either / or 

C) Not until / but  

D) Hardly / when 

2. The 20th century explorer Thor Heyerdahl insisted, _____ all expert opinion, that Polynesia had been 5; settled by people from South America r* in ancienttimes. 

A) as opposed 

B) in contrast 

C) contrary to 

D) opposite of 

3. I'm sure that my new car could be moreeconomical, _____ at the time I've been satisfied withits performance so far. 

A) but 

B) because 

C) since 

D) therefore 

4. On the job application, I was asked to list my levelof education, _____ any relevant training I hadundergone. 

A) moreover 

B) as 

C) as well as 

D) providing 

5. Heine is best known as a poet;_____ , he also wroteprose, most of which was satirical criticism of his age.

A) because 

B) thus 

C) so  

D) however 

6. _____ Carl White is on the phone now, could youwait for a minute? 

A) Although 

B) During 

C) Before 

D) Because 

7. ____ the researchers developed the first fluvaccination recently was there a reliable protectionagainst flu. 

A) Although 

B) Whether 

C) Not until 

D) Since 

8. The tobacco production of Rize is not veryimportant _____ its tea production. 

A) similar to 

B) in comparison with 

C) in particular 

D) in contrast 

9. We're so late for the meeting that _____ we take acab to the station, we can’t get there on time. 

A) still 

B) though 

C) even if 

D) meanwhile 

10. Like many prior to them, the naturalist artists_____ copied from nature _____ tried to improve on it. 

A) just as / so

B) scarcely / when 

C) either / as  

D) not only / but also 


1. D

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. C

10. D


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