
Conjunctions SET – 3

 1 ._____ he arrived at the airport did he rememberthat he had left his passport in the briefcase at home.

A) When 

B) No sooner 

C) Not until 

D) Hardly 

2. Most magazines offer full color to advertisers_____ the more limited color available in newspapers. 

A) as regards 

B) in case of 

C) whereas  

D) as opposed to 

3. He had______got off the bus he was travellingon______he was caught by two police officers whohad apparently been waiting for him. A) once / since 

B) hardly / until 

C) yet / as soon as  

D) no sooner / than 

4. Living in a big city is advantageous ______you canhave easy access to health care. A) wherever 

B) in case 

C) unless 

D) in that 

5. He accomplished so much______his ability toinhabit the souls of his characters and bring them tolife on the big screen. 

A) because of 

B) despite 

C) in case of 

D) instead of 

6. The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis posits that scarcity ofhair is an adaptation to an aquatic environment, _____it has little support amongst scientists and very fewaquatic mammals are, in fact, hairless. 

A) furthermore 

B) but 

C) as a result 

D) in particular 

7. At the meeting, the president of the associationwill represent Turkey ____the Turkish government. 

A) in addition to 

B) on the verge of  

C) on behalf of 

D) with a view to 

8. Monica Tabalon graduated from nursing school inthe Philippiness two years ago, but she still has notfound a job ______ the growing demand both locallyand internationally. 

A) while 

B) for 

C) despite 

D) as 

E) although 

9. The grasshopper is an insect found in all_____ themost frigid parts of the world. 

A) although 

B) but 

C) because 

D) also 

E) while 

10. Moderate exercise, relaxed life-style, and balanceddiet tend to prolong life, _____ smoking, excessivedrinking, and mental stress shorten the life span. 

A) whereas 

B) therefore 

C) whereby 

D) moreover 

E) indeed


1. C

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. B

7. C

8. C

9. B

10. A

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