
Conjunctions SET – 4

1. _____ his previous lack of interest in biblicalarchaeology, Feyer would spend two years on whatturned out to be a labour of love. 

A) In case 

B) While 

C) Although 

D) Despite 

2. Hussein says he was _____ asked _____ did heattempt to calculate the odds that the tomb was thefinal resting place of Christ, left it untouched. 

A) so / that 

B) no sooner / than 

C) neither / nor 

D) either / or 

3. _____ scientists try to make sense of our senses, they also seek to imitate or even improve on them toserve us in new ways. 

A) As 

B) As though 

C) As soon as 

D) Despite the fact that 

4. Observers in Africa will be treated to Earth'sshadow creeping across the face of the moon ,_____those of us in the Western Hemisphere will see arising orb that is already partially blocked.

A) in spite of

B) even if

C) while

D) because

5. Via his works, we cannot catch the inflection ofhis voice, his pregnant silences, his body language. _____ , we can know him in a way that his best friendscould not.

A) Therefore

B) In contrast

C) For instance

D) Specifically

6. Some creatures found as fossils in the Shale areancestors of animals alive today, _____ others havegone extinct and are not like any existing living thing.

A) before

B) until

C) as soon as

D) while

7. “We have two options.” he wrote. “_____ try todiscover the genes important in malignancy by apiecemeal approach, _____ sequence the wholegenome.”

A) Neither/nor

B) Either / or

C)Both /and

D)Not only / but also

8. The more cigarettes you smoke a day, and thelonger you've smoked, the higher your risk of lungcancer. _____ , the risk rises the deeper you inhaleand the earlier in life you started smoking.

A) However

B) Therefore

C) Similarly


9. _____ the medical literature has featured onlyscattered case reports of sword swallowing-relatedinjury, sword swallowers in fact played an importantrole in medical history.

A) On the grounds that

B) Although

C)Due to the fact that

D)In view of the fact that

10. In planning, the architect must inquire into theessence of the activity, its purpose, technique andsite______ he must be able to imagine it concretely.

A) although

B) much as

C) so

D) but


1. D

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. B

8. C

9. B

10. C


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