
Conjunctions SET – 5

 1. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder affectingmainly girls or women, _____ boys or men can alsosuffer from it. 

A) nevertheless

B) due to the fact that


D)such as

2. The cause of anorexia nervosa is unknown, eventhough it is likely that _____ inherent biological factors____ factors in the patient's social environment playa part.

A) both / and

B) neither / nor

C) either/or

D) no sooner / than

3._____ the increased popularity and m presence ofonline learning $5 opportunities, _____ , manyresearchers and practitioners are decrying the lack ofa research- g validated framework to guide their .£3design.

A) Owing to / no matter

B) Despite / even if

C)Because / although

D)In spite of / however

4. For most people, acne tends to go away by thetime they reach their mid- 20s; _____ , very sensitivepeople may continue to have the disorder until theyreach their 40s.

A) therefore

B) however


D)as a result

5. The word “depression” is often used to describewhen someone is feeling “low”, or having “got out ofbed on the wrong side”. _____ , doctors use the wordin different ways.

A) Moreover

B) Thus

C)That is


6. We are no happier ____ average incomes havemore than doubled since 1950.

A) in case

B) in view of

C) even though

D) in that

7. All students in Israel confronted with culturaldifference and inter-group conflict and violence _____the ongoing struggle between Jews and Arabs inIsrael.

A) even if

B) although

C)owing to


8. Sky watchers west of the Mississippi will miss thislunar show, _____ another eclipse on August 28 willfavour them.

A) because

B) but

C) despite

D) owing to

9. We don’t have to go shopping, _____ do we haveto dine at home.

A) for

B) or else

C) yet

D) nor 

10. High heat causes rapid loss of water______sweating. 

A) in spite of 

B) due to 

C) until 

D) since 


1. A

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. D

6. C

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. B

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