
Fill in the Blank set 7

 Directions (Q.1-10): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by number 1) 2) 3) 4) and 5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.

1. Globalisation brings with it _____________ for growth without which economic development will remain a ____________.

a) potential, furore

b) opportunities, chimera

c) infrastructure, deterrent

d) equilibrium, caucus

e) mobility, reverie

2. Religious identities have existed since time ___________ but never have come into play as ____________ as now.

a) bygone, pessimistically

b) passed, vigorously

c) ancient, possessively

d) emerged, progressively

e) immemorial, prominently

3. The present Indian hockey team is a good ____________ of experience and youthful _____________.

a) blend, challenge

b) outburst, exuberance

c) mix, talent

d) revival, charisma

e) trend, force

4. We should welcome the global ___________ if it suits our ___________; otherwise the gates can be shut.

a) scenario, psyche

b) competition, players

c) infrastructure, leaders

d) investment, requirement

e) arena, strategy

5. Globally, space technology has become the ____________ of communications and information _____________.

a) backbone, technologies

b) centre, awareness

c) citadel, culture

d) anchor, infrastructure

e) mouthpiece, strategy

6. Only of Sri Lanka can find a political solution to the ethnic ____________ and remove the ____________ between the various communities can it hope to find peace.

a) tangle, chaos

b) crisis, distrust

c) rampage, misnomer

d) innuendo, pillage

e) hassle, tantamount

7. Populism is one of the most serious ___________ which ____________ our democratic system and parliamentary institutions.

a) maladies, affects

b) threats, hampers

c) distress, degenerates

d) agonies, burns

e) strains, devours

8. She began by supporting monetarist economics, but later ____________ quite a ____________when she saw how in increased unemployment.

a) quit, depressed

b) turned, negative

c) underwent, conversion

d) refused, stubborn

e) remained, bewildered

9. _____________ from the countryside to towns in India has not been remotely of the same ___________ as in other third world countries.

a) Rush, consequences

b) Departure, quantity

c) Flow, origin

d) Gathering, altitude

e) Migration, proportions

10. Any programme to ____________ poverty requires a ______________ perspective.

a) contain, unique

b) hold, flexible

c) negate, wholesome

d) overcome, holistic

e) abolish, fragmented


1. b) opportunities, chimera

2. e) immemorial, prominently

3. c) mix, talent

4. d) investment, requirement

5. a) backbone, technologies

6. b) crisis, distrust

7. a) maladies, affects

8. c) underwent, conversion

9. e) Migration, proportions

10. d) overcome, holistic

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