
Fill in the blanks with suitable words - 2

 1. Only the Chairman _________ to the proposal to build more houses.

a. avoided

b. admitted

c. prevented

d. objected

2. These trousers are too long, ______ the length please.

a. diminish

b. lessen

c. curtail

d. reduce

3. "What did you think of the film?" " _______, I didn’t like it very much."

a. To be honest

b. Being honest

c. To be fair

d. In honesty


4. He ______ in this school since 2010.

a. studied

b. was studying

c. has been studying

d. had studied

5. "His parents died when he was young." "I think that’s why he has _________ problems."

a. too many

b. so many

c. any more

d. much more

6. ________ if he is willing to fit in with the plans of the group.

a. There is no objection to him joining the party

b. There is no objection on his joining the party

c. There is no objection to his joining the party

d. There was no objection for his joining the party

7. Having secured the highest marks in the class, _______.

a. the college had offered him a scholarship

b. he was offered a scholarship by the college

c. a scholarship was offered him by the college

d. a college scholarship had been offered to him

8. After they ________ lunch, the boys ran outside.

a. have eaten

b. had eaten

c. were eating

d. would eat

9. As he was _______ and had saved enough money, his family escaped misery when he died suddenly.

a. prudent

b. preparatory

c. persistent

d. providential

10. Some mysteries remain in desert research : especially relating to why some regions, once fertile, are now ________.

a. blossoming

b. cultivable

c. barren

d. irrigated














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