
Modals SET – 1

1.The company had sent the advertisement to thenewspaper when they realised they’d mistyped thesalary they were offering for the position. Luckily, they ____ the newspaper to correct their mistakebefore they printed it. 

A) could have asked 

B) were able to ask 

C) must have asked 

D) were supposed to ask 

2.A: I wish I hadn’t criticised Mark’s drawings yesterdaybecause he hasn’t spoken to me today. Do you thinkhe’ll come to my party on Friday? 

B: Possibly, he ____you by then. 

A) has forgiven 

B) was able to forgive 

C) might have forgiven 

D) must have forgiven 

3.Since the day his manager transferred him to thefoundry section of the steel works, he ____ safetygoggles. 

A) will be wearing 

B) has had to wear 

C) ought to wear 

D) must have worn 

4.A: This student has circled the mistakes in the text, but he hasn’t corrected them, so he’ll only get halfmarks. 

B: He ____ the instructions properly

A) would rather not read 

B) had better not read 

C) needn’t have read 

D) must not have read 

5.As a single woman, Lucy ____ quite a lot of money onclothes, jewellery and cosmetics, but now marriedwith two children, she can’t spare so much money onthem. 

A) might spend 

B) had spent 

C) would rather spend 

D) would spend 

6.A: Are you going to enroll on the second course whenwe finish this one? 

B: I don’t know. It’s tiring comingevery day after work. I ____ a month before I start thesecond course. 

A) may wait 

B) am supposed to wait 

C) have waited 

D) have to wait 

7. James will book the hotel rooms for the Germanrepresentatives and you ____ them at the airport ateight o’clock. Is that clear? 

A) have met 

B) can meet 

C) are to meet 

D) had met 

8.____ lending me 25,000 liras so that I don't have togive the Dolmuş a 5 million lira note? 

A) Would you like 

B) Would you rather 

C) Would you mind 

D) Had you better 

9.A: Jack doesn’t work for a computer company, so whyhas he gone to the computer exhibition? B: I don’tknow. He ____ interested in buying a computer to useat home or perhaps he’s thinking of starting his owncompany. 

A) must be 

B) has to be 

C) will be 

D) could be 

10. You ____ anything to me if you want to spend virtuallyyour entire wages on lottery tickets, then that’s up toyou. 

A) couldn’t have explained 

B) don’t have to explain 

C) weren’t able to explain 

D) shouldn’t have explained 


1. B

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. A

7. C

8. C

9. D

10. B


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