
Modals SET – 2

 1.You ____ anything after your operation. The nurseswill tell you when it is all right. 

A) needn’t eat 

B) don’t have to eat 

C) couldn’t eat 

D) mustn’t eat 

2.Oh dear, my fruit cake is a little too sweet. I ____ theamount of sugar I add to the mixture next time. A) have been reducing 

B) should have reduced 

C) will have to reduce 

D) have had to reduce 

3. Isn’t it great that Tim and Sue have given upsmoking? They both ____ too much. 

A) used to smoke 

B) ought to be smoking 

C) must be smoking 

D) would rather smoke 

4.A: What’s happened to Mr. Meyer? 

B: He’s ill inhospital. They ____keep him in overnight, and if theydo, he ____ travel back to Germany tomorrowmorning 

A) may / won’t be able to 

B) would / ought not to 

C) shall / doesn’t have to 

D) can / couldn’t 

5.A: ____we paint the kitchen this weekend? 

B: Wecould, but I ____ wait until the weather gets betterbecause we’ll have to open the window. 

A) Ought / prefer 

B) May / must 

C) Can / would like 

D) Shall / would sooner 

6.A: I couldn’t persuade John to come to the match withus. He said he couldn’t afford it. 

B: You ____ to lendhim the money. 

A: I did, but he said he ____ borrowany money at that moment. 

A) have offered / ought not to 

B) could have offered / would rather not 

C) may have offered / didn’t use to 

D) must have offered / wouldn’t like 

7.____I ask you a favour? ____ you work on Thursdaynight this week instead of Friday night? 

A) Can / Did 

B) Would / Will 

C) May / Could 

D) Might / Shall 

8.Amy Johnson, the first woman pilot who ____ fromEngland to Australia, ____ several times during herflight to fill her plane with petrol. 

A) had flown / has stopped 

B) could fly / was stopping 

C) used to fly / might stop  

D) flew / had to stop 

9.____ you take this screwdriver back to Mr. Smith nextdoor and thank him for lending it to us? 

A) Will 

B) Must 

C) Ought 

D) Shall 

10.They ____ their house yet. They only put it up for saleyesterday. 

A) haven’t been selling 

B) might not be selling 

C) needn’t have sold 

D) can’t have sold



2. C

3. A

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. C

8. D

9. A

10. D

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