
Modals SET – 3

 1. We ____ get a visa before we ____ go to Bulgaria.

A) could / would 

B) are to / must 

C) have to / can 

D) may / have to 

2. I only had a brief chat with Marry at the bus stop, so I____ to ask her how she ____ on in her new job. 

A) might forget / could get 

B) forgot / was getting 

C) have forgotten / used to get 

D) would forget / gets 

3. A: Well, I’ve got lots of great ideas, but I haven’twritten anything down yet. 

B: But you ____us awritten outline of your section of the project today! 

A:Don’t panic. I’ll do it tomorrow. 

A) would rather have given 

B) were able to give 

C) must have given 

D) were supposed to give 

4. Our father ____ a small present for me and my sisterevery month when he ____ his salary. 

A) was buying / had received 

B) has had to buy / was receiving 

C) must have bought / could receive 

D) would buy / received

5. I ____ listening to pop music at all, but recently I haverealised that I quite like certain pop-songs. 

A) didn’t use to enjoy 

B) ought not to enjoy 

C) must not have enjoyed 

D) can’t have been enjoying 

6. When their baby was born, Lucy ____ up work untilthey found someone to look after the baby. 

A) must give 

B) ought to give 

C) had to give 

D) used to give 

7. They had their baby daughter in June and, since then, they ____ in restaurants very often. 

A) didn’t use to eat 

B) couldn’t eat 

C) aren’t supposed to eat 

D) haven’t been able to eat 

8. Do you think he ____ to watch the match with us? Iknow he enjoys football. 

A) would sooner 

B) had better 

C) would mind 

D) would like 

9. Would you mind if I ____ the secretary for half anhour, Mr. Pitt? She has two thousand leaflets to sendout. 

A) helping 

B) helped 

C) help 

D) have helped 

10. A: I missed this week’s episode of “The Simpsons”. What happened? 

B: I don’t know. I don’t watch it anymore. 

A: Why not? I thought you were a fun of theshow like me. 

B: Yes, I ____ it three times a week, butnow I go to German lessons every night. 

A) used to watch 

B) had watched 

C) must have watched 

D) have watched 


1. C

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. D

9. B

10. A

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