
Modals SET – 4

 1.I believe you ____this computer programme in yourprevious job, so you ____ it difficult at times. Pleasedon’t hesitate to ask me for help. 

A) didn’t use / might find 

B) haven’t used / must find 

C) couldn’t use / have found 

D) may not use / will find 

2.Apparently, the man across the road ____ his car afterall because he took down the for-sale sign a weekago and he is still driving to work. 

A) used to keep 

B) had better keep 

C) was keeping 

D) was able to keep 

3.A: Hopefully, Peter booked the tickets for usyesterday. 

B: He ____them yesterday. The bookingoffice is closed on Saturdays. 

A: Oh well, I’m surehe’ll order them tomorrow then. A) had better not looked 

B) hasn’t booked 

C) couldn’t have booked 

D) needn’t have booked 

4.A: I didn’t think Paul and Sam were coming to thepicnic.

B: They ____ their minds. 

A: Well, it’s nice tosee them again 

A) would rather change 

B) used to change 

C) must have changed 

D) should have changed 

5.I’m glad that I ____ hard to persuade my parentsbecause they were already keen on the idea. 

A) ought not to try 

B) didn’t need to try 

C) needn’t have tried 

D) mustn’t try 

6.When it was completed, the Eiffel Tower ____ thetallest building in the world, but now there are manyothers which are taller than the Eiffel Tower. A) would be 

B) must be 

C) used to be 

D) was 

7. Cats are very alert to any movement. For this reason, they will pounce when a victim ____ but ____prey thatremains still. 

A) can move / couldn’t attack 

B) is moving / shouldn’t attack 

C) has moved / aren’t attacking 

D) moves / may not attack 

8.When I lived in England, I ____Indian food severaltimes a month, but here in Istanbul it’s virtuallyimpossible to find. 

A) shall eat 

B) would eat 

C) ought to eat 

D) have eaten 

9.A: Mrs. Parkinson ____ three accidents in the lastmonth. 

B: She ____ a very careful driver, then. 

A: Couldn’t it have been just bad luck? 

A) was having / can’t be 

B) has / shouldn’t be 

C) has had / must not be 

D) is having / wasn’t 

10.The weather is awful again today. Let’s look in thenewspaper. There ____ a good film showing at thecinema. 

A) can be 

B) had to be 

C) would rather be 

D) might be 


1. A

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. D

8. B

9. C

10. D

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