
Noun Set -1

Set -1

1) Sneha has (a) /read pages after pages(b) /of Gita(c)  /No error
 2) Alms was (a) /given to(b) /the beggar(c) /No error
3) Whenever Sohan(a) /goes to Mumbai(b) /he stays in (c) /five – stars hotels(d)/no error
4) The company(a) /has ordered(b) /some new equipments(c) /No error
5) He was advised to take (a) /two spoonsful (b) /of medicine three times a day(c) /No error
6) The police have received (a) /important informations(b) /that can help them solve the murder case. (c) /No error
7) Envy strikes a woman (a) /when she sees her husband(b) /talking to another woman(c) /No error
8) Two summons have been issued by the court(a) /but sohan has not (b) /yet appeared before the court(c) /No error
9) Sheeps are economically(a) /very useful and so they are reared(b) /for wool and meat(c) /No error
10) All the evidences were (a) /against him and he was (b) /held guilty(c) /No error
11) Statistics shows that (1)/  there is going to  (2)/ be a big economic slowdown (3)/ no error
12) Orders for his transfer (1)/  has been (2)/ issued by the ministry (3)/ no error
13) A series of matches (1)/  are  (2)/ being played in Wankhede stadium (3)/ no error
14) The twenty-days tour (1)/ in the southernmost part  (2) of the country were very interesting (3)/ no error
15) Sara has given (1)/ me six dozens pens (2)/ of different varieties (3)/ no error
16) There are two scores (1)/ of books which are (2)/  lying unused in the library (3)/ no error
17) Although she has studied (1)/ English for almost a year, (2)/ she is yet to learn the alphabets (3)/ no error
18) It is never my business to give (1)/  an advice to (2)/ those who are not (3)/ sensible enough to deal with their own problems (4)/ no error
19) I don’t think it is (1)/ your book.It is (2)/ somebody’s else (3)/ no error
20) Children are prone (1)/ to making  (2)/ mischiefs if they (3)/ have nothing to do (4)/ no error

Solution :

1) ‘page after page ‘ is the correct usage. Also add ‘the’ before Gita.
2) Replace ‘was’ with ‘were’.Certain nouns like alms exist in plural forms only and they take plural verb with them.
3) five-star is a hyphenated noun which is not used in plural form.
4) ‘Equipment’ is the correct usage. It is an uncountable noun and has no plural form.
5) ‘spoonfuls’  is the correct usage.
6) ‘Information’ is the correct usage.
7) ‘jealousy ‘ is the right usage here.
Jealousy is the fear to lose the person/thing we have.while envy means resentful desire of something possessed by someone else.
8) ‘summonses’ will be the right usage here.
‘Summons’ is a noun.
Plural of summons is summonses whereas ‘summon’  is a verb.
9) ‘Sheep’ is the correct usage here.It doesn’t take ‘s’ with it to make a plural formation.
10) ‘evidence’ is the correct usage. Its an uncountable noun. So ‘s’ or ‘es’ is not added with it and takes singular verb.
11) ‘Show’ in place of shows.
Note – Statistics as a subject is used with singular verb, but when taken as a collection of data, it is used with a plural verb.
12) Have in place of has.
‘Orders ‘ is used in plural sense.
Order of his transfer has been issued.
Orders of his transfer have been issued.
13) is in place of are
14) ‘twenty-day’ and ‘was’ in place of twenty-days and were respectively.
Note – A compound noun (numerical+noun) is not used in plural if a noun does the work of an adjective.
Example – A ten-year old boy was standing there.
He is ten years old. ️(here ‘ten years ‘ is not a compound noun)
15) ‘Dozen’ in place of ‘dozens’
Note – Nouns expressing number are used in singular with numerical adjectives.
16) ‘Score’ in place of scores.
17) ‘Alphabet’ in place of alphabets.
18) use either advice or a piece of advice. Remove ‘an’.
19) ‘somebody else’s ‘ in place of somebody’s else.

20) ‘Mischief’ in place of ‘mischiefs’.

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