

1. Entrance

A. enter

B. entrant

C. entry

D. entertain


2. Which of the following nouns is a place?

A. yard

B. dad

C. grass

D. tall


3. Does wood sink in water? (Which word is a material noun?)

A. sink

B. does

C. water

D. wood


4. My mother wears gold jewelry.

A. Wears

B. jewelry

C. mother

D. gold


5. Select the correct alternative for the blank.


The ______________ could not see a thing without his glasses.

A. Leena

B. Francis

C. Boy

D. Owl


6. To seize a foreign embassy and its inhabitants is flagrant disregard for diplomatic neutrality.

A. Seize

B. Its

C. Flagrant

D. Neutrality


7. Sharks and lampreys are not true fish because their skeletons are made of cartilage rather than bone.

A. True

B. Because

C. Their

D. Bone


8. Joe, have you met your new boss?

A. Have

B. Met

C. Your

D. Boss


9. Susan was exceedingly proud of her beautiful new home.

A. Exceedingly

B. Home

C. Proud

D. Beautiful


10. My mother tried to live in South Georgia for two years but couldn’t stand the heat.

A. Live

B. Heat

C. Tried

D. But



1.       A

2.       B

3.       D

4.       D

5.       C

6.       D

7.       D

8.       D

9.       B

10.     B


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