
Number Series: Find Wrong Number in the Series

 Directions ( 1-5): In the following number series one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

Ques 1. 

39, 42, 48, 59, 84, 132
1. 132
2. 42
3. 48
4. 59
5. 84

Ques 2.

11, 18, 30, 40, 59, 86
1. 30
2. 11
3. 18
4. 59
5. 86

Ques 3.

5, 30, 59, 119, 209, 335
1. 59
2. 335
3. 5
4. 119
5. 30

Ques 4. 

353, 385, 316, 441, 225, 568
1. 568
2. 353
3. 385
4. 225
5. 316

Ques 5.

21, 29, 84, 756, 12096, 302400
1. 12096
2. 29
3. 84
4. 756
5. 21

Answer :

1. 4;
The series is 

Hence, there should be 60 in place of 59.

2. 1;
The series is 

Hence, there should be 27 in place of 30.

3. 5;
The series is 
2³ - 3 = 5,      3³ - 4 = 23,     4³-5 = 59
5³-6 = 119,    6³ - 7 = 209,   7³ - 8 = 335
Hence, there should be 23 in place of 30.

4. 3;
The series is 
Hence, there should be 380 in place of 385.

5. 2;
The series is 

Hence, there should be 21 in place of 29.

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