
Practice Test – 5

 1. The officer said, "Cowards ! you shall soon be put to death."

a. The officer called them cowards and said that they must be put to death soon.

b. The officer said that they were cowards and should be put to death soon

c. The officer said that they would soon be put to death.

d. The officer called them cowards and said that they would soon be put to death.

2. "Oh ! how foolish I have been in money matters !"

a. He expressed with regret that he could be so foolish in money matters.

b. He exclaimed regretfully that he was very foolish in money matters.

c. He confessed regretfully that he had been very foolish in money matters.

d. He confessed to himself that he is being very foolish in money matters.

3. The teacher said to me, "I hope you will bring credit to my school."

a. The teacher said that I will bring credit to his school.

b. The teacher desired that I bring credit to his school.

c. The teacher hoped that I would bring credit to his school.

d. The teacher wished that I would bring credit to my school.

4. He said to his father, "Shall I go to market now?"

a. He asked his father if he would go to market now.

b. He asked his father if he will go to market then.

c. He asked his father if he shall go to market now.

d. He asked his father if he should go to market then.

5. I said to my mother, "Please warm this milk. Don't boil it."

a. I told my mother respectfully that she will warm that milk and not to boil it.

b. I asked my mother that she may warm that milk but not boil it.

c. I requested my mother to warm that milk and asked her not to boil it.

d. I requested my mother that she warm that milk and not to boil it.

6. I said to my friend, "Can I borrow your dictionary for one day only?"

a. I told my friend I could borrow his dictionary for one day only.

b. I asked my friend if I might borrow his dictionary for one day only.

c. I asked my friend if I could borrow his dictionary for one day only.

d. I requested my friend if I can borrow his dictionary for one day only.

7. My father said to me, "Will you sit and study at least now."

a. My father asked me if I will sit and study at least then.

b. My father enquired me if I would sit and study at least now.

c. My father asked me whether I can sit and study at least then.

d. My father asked me if I would sit and study at least then.

8. The commander said, "Let the gates be left open."

a. The commander ordered for the gates to be left open.

b. The commander ordered that let the gates be left open.

c. The commander ordered that the gates will be left open.

d. The commander wanted that the gates be left open.

9. "What an excellent piece of art !" she said.

a. She exclaimed what an excellent piece of art was it.

b. She had exclaimed that it was an excellent piece of art.

c. She exclaimed with appreciation that it was an excellent piece of art.

d. She exclaimed with surprise was it an excellent piece of art.


1- d

2- c

3- c


5- c

6- c


8- a



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