
Preposition SET – 3

 1. Ahmet is sitting ................ his brother Mehmet.

A) beside 

B) besides 

C) next 

D) around 

2. I was ............... the road to Kurucaşile at the time.

A) at 

B) by 

C) in  

D) on 

3. They want me to sit .............. the Committee forEqual Opportunities. 

A) on 

B) into 

C) inside 

D) between 

4. Now, boys and girls, open your books ............... 

page87. (British English) 

A) by 

B) from 

C) at 

D) in 

5. In filling out this form, you are required to write............... ink. 

A) in 

B) by 

C) with 

D) at 

6. She sulkily took a seat ............... the back corner ofthe classroom. 

A) into 

B) inside 

C) behind 

D) in 

7. His application letter was filled ............... spellingmistakes. 

A) in 

B) with 

C) for 

D) by 

8. You can get there by bus or ............... foot.

A) on 

B) by 

C) with 

D) in 

9. She was born ............... the small hours of a Saturdaymorning -- at three-thirty, to be exact. 

A) at 

B) on 

C) in 

D) under 

10.She was born ............... that fateful day in the monthof September in 1980. 

A) at 

B) in 

C) with  

D) on


1. A

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. D

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