

 1. You can take two ways to go there. One is walkingalong Victoria Lane, and ____ is taking bus "V1 2". 

A) either 

B) other 

C) the others 

D) the other 

2.____ you feel the need, do not hesitate to call us.

A) Whatever 

B) Whichever 

C) Thatever 

D) Whenever 

3.It is a shame that ____ us can solve the easiestproblem. 

A) all of 

B) both of 

C) neither of 

D) each of 

4.Richard, I thought one packet of flour was enough, but it isn't. Can you get ____ packet from a market? 

A) one 

B) the other 

C) another

D) one else 

5.What are you trying to tell me by saying that you arebetter than ____ ? 

A) mine 

B) I 

C) they 

D) me 

6.Both of the films are available at the moment. Youcan choose ____ of them. 

A) every 

B) both 

C) either 

D) each 

 7.Oh, my goodness! I haven't brought my wallet with____ . 

A) I 

B) it 

C) my 

D) me 

 8.Here is the exact place ____ I first saw you.

A) whose 

B) where 

C) whom 

D) here 


9.If I were in your shoes, I would drink ____ cool in thishot weather. 

A) somewhere 

B) somebody 

C) something 

D) anything 

10.Can you see the black clouds up in the sky? So, let'sgo ____ to protect ourselves from the rain. 

A) somebody else 

B) anyone else 

C) somewhere else 

D) nowhere else 


1. D

2. D

3. C

4. C

5. D

6. C

7. D

8. B

9. C

10. C

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