

 1. They ____ packed their suitcases for the travel.

A) neither 

B) every 

C) none 

D) all 

2.You have become so tired these days doing others'jobs. Just stop and think ____ for a while! A) me

B) by yourself 

C) to yourself 

D) about yourself

3.The room was dark as it was midnight, but I saw himsitting near the window ____ . 

A) his own 

B) without 

C) lone 

D) by himself 

4.You don't have to introduce his secretary to me, Iwant to meet Mr. Richardson ____ . 

A) myself 

B) by myself 

C) himself 

D) for himself 

5.____ of the city is under water because of the floodscaused by the rain. 

A) Few 

B) More 

C) Many 

D) Most 

6.Do you see these three keys on the control panel?Press the blue and the green key, but do not press____ . 

A) the one 

B) the others 

C) another 

D) the other 

7.Neither of you can survive in this jungle, if you don'thelp ____ . 

A) one 

B) each other 

C) someone else 

D) you 

18.No, please don't blame ____ . You are not responsiblefor his injury. 

A) himself 

B) yourself 

C) oneself 

D) you 

9.I didn't sleep until midnight. Now I feel ____ sleepy.

A) my 

B) just 

C) --

D) mine 

10.The car near the fence is ____ but the house is ____not ____ . 

A) his / theirs / his

B) his / them / his 

C) him / theirs / him 

D) his / their / his 


1. D

2. D

3. D

4. C

5. D

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. C

10. A

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