

 1.Mr. Benson, ____ , is our family doctor.

A) who is a graduate of Harvard 

B) from which you\'ve taken a hat 

C) of whom is called \'the DOC\' 

D) that is seen in the picture 

2.She was alone at home. She had to do all the work____ . 

A) her own 

B) for himself 

C) at the end 

D) by herself 

3.If it's true, somebody has broken the window ____? 

A) hasn\'t it 

B) hasn\'t he 

C) haven\'t you 

D) haven\'t they 

4.The unsinkable ship Titanic sunk in 1 91 2 on ____maiden voyage. 

A) its 

B) his 

C) ours 

D) it\'s 

5.The woman is worried about ____ husband, he hasbeen away in the forest for three days. 

A) hers 

B) that 

C) her 

D) whose 

6.Some people believed ____ were protecting theenvironment by restricting exploration and drilling. 

A) it 

B) we 

C) they 

D) that 

7.She said that ____ umbrella had been broken so shewanted to borrow ____ and promised to return it backto____ on Sunday. 

A) his / hers / him 

B) my / hers / me 

C) hers / mine / me 

D) her / mine / me 

8.____ they talk of appears to be their close friend.

A) Whichever 

B) Whatever 

C) Whoever 

D) That 


9.This letter ____ has no name on it begins by saying"To ____ it may concern". 

A) that / those 

B) what / that 

C) that I her 

D) which / whom 

10.Can you tell me ____ the foreigner stays in theevening? 

A) where 

B) when 

C) what 

D) which 


1. A

2. D

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. C

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. A

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