
Sentence Improvement – 6

 1. Fifty miles are a long distance to walk.

1. is

2. become

3. be

4. No improvement

2. Economics today were not what it was a century ago.

1. are

2. was

3. is

4. No improvement

3. Hearing the news of the accident, he broke.

1. broke down

2. broke up

3. broke out

4. No improvement

4. After I saved some money, I shall go abroad.

1. shall save

2. should have saved

3. have saved

4. No improvement

5. Can you arrange the car to be ready this evening?

1. arrange with the car

2. arrange for the car

3. arrange that the car

4. No improvement

6. I will be happy if you will buy me apples.

1. buy

2. bought

3. will be buying

4. No improvement

7. Young children are not physically capable to carry these loads.

1. have to carry these loads

2. of carrying these loads

3. carry these loads

4. No improvement

8. I enjoyed the ballet by a troupe of Russian dancers.

1. troop

2. trouper

3. trooper

4. No improvement

9. The secretary threatened to resign his post.

1. from his post

2. to his post

3. for his post

4. No improvement

10. By the time he arrived, everybody had gone home.

1. when he arrived

2. at which he arrived

3. by which he arrive

4. No improvement


1- 1

2- 3

3- 1

4- 3

5- 2

6- 1

7- 2

8- 4

9- 1

10- 4 

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