
Sentence Improvement – 7

1. It's ten o'clock already. it's high time you went home.

1. you had gone

2. you were going

3. you had been

4. No improvement

2. The students are playing volley-ball since 8 A.M.

1. were playing

2. have playing

3. have been playing

4. No improvement

3. Our plans for the trip fell down because we had no money.

1. off

2. out

3. through

4. No improvement

4. None of these groups has reported accurately on the prevailing situation.

1. have reported

2. was reported

3. has reporting

4. No improvement

5. Among the athletes undergoing training Ramesh was easily the better.

1. best

2. better

3. the best

4. No improvement

6. The earth moves round the sun, isn't it?

1. wasn't it?

2. hasn't it?

3. doesn't it?

4. No improvement

7. Supposing if he is arrested what will he do ?

1. if he will be arrested

2. he is arrested

3. if he was arrested

4. No improvement

8. My students have been interesting in learning French.

1. have been interested

2. are being interesting

3. have also interesting

4. No improvement

9. Hardly I had fallen asleep, when the bell rang.

1. I was fallen

2. had I fallen

3. I fell asleep

4. No improvement

10. Only when you left I did sleep.

1. I slept

2. did I sleep

3. had I slept

4. No improvement 


1- 4

2- 3

3- 3

4- 4

5- 3

6- 3

7- 2

8- 1

9- 2

10- 2


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