
Sentence Improvement – 9

 1. When he heard the rhetorical speech of the leader, he was carried along by his enthusiasm.

1. carried aloft

2. carried down

3. carried away

4. No improvement

2. I except every player here to be conversant at the rules of game.

1. on

2. about

3. with

4. No improvement


3. After the heavy rains last week, the water in the lake raised another two feet.

1. rose another two feet

2. arisen another two feet

3. would raise another two feet

4. No improvement

4. Applications of those who are graduates will be considered.

1. whom are graduates

2. whose are graduates

3. whom are only graduates

4. No improvement

5. In a few minutes' time when the clock strikes six, I would be waiting here for an hour.

1. shall be waiting on

2. shall have been waiting

3. shall wait

4. No improvement

6. The sparrow took no notice about the bread.

1. notice of

2. notice from

3. notice to

4. No improvement

7. As he spoke about his achievements, his high claims amused us.

1. big

2. tall

3. long

4. No improvement

8. We cannot trust a man who plays false and loose with others.

1. false or loose

2. fast or loose

3. fast and loose

4. No improvement

9. He enjoys to tell stories to children.

1. how to tell stories

2. telling stories

3. to narrate stories

4 No improvement

10. Any English are known for their practical instincts.

1. Some

2. Many

3. The

4. No improvement


1- 3

2- 3

3- 1

4- 4

5- 2

6- 1

7- 2

8- 3

9- 2

10- 3


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