
Spot the Error – Inappropriate Words - 22

 1. He has spent a lot (A)/ on the education of his children (B)/ but neither of his three children (C)/ has performed well. (D)/ No error (E)/

2. The local team had been practising (A)/ for over an year (B)/ and so it was a surprise (C)/ to see them loose the final match. (D)/ No error (E)/

3. The driver lost control of the truck (A)/ and hit a stationery bus (B)/ which then rolled down the slope (C)/ and sank into the lake. (D)/ No error (E)/

4. The principle motive of the company (A)/ is to keep the wages of workers low (B)/ so that they do not stay long enough (C)/ to claim retirement benefits (D)/ No error (E)/

5. Ravi and Mukesh started the test (A)/ together but after an hour (B)/ Ravi had attempted (C)/ five less problems than Mukesh (D)/ No error (E)/

6. Everyone like the items (A)/ served by the restaurant (B)/ down the lane but (C)/ I like it's coffee the most. (D)/ No error (E)/

7. The affects of Government's monetary policy (A)/ are evident from the fact (B)/ that more and more people (C)/ have begun filing tax returns. (D)/ No error (E)/

8. Just before his retirement (A)/ John decided to divide his property between his four children (B)/ and also nominate his eldest son (C)/ as the Chairman of the company. (D)/ No error (E)/

9. The lame deer, when chased by the hunter, (A)/ jumped into the river (B)/ and being unable to swim (C)/ sank in its rapid waters. (D)/ No error (E)/

10. On the orders of the Supreme Court (A)/ and having failed to obtain (B)/ a pardon from the President (C)/ the criminal was finally hung in the Central Jail. (D)/ No error (E)/

1. He has spent a lot on the education of his children but none of his three children has performed well.
2. The local team had been practising for over an year and so it was a surprise to see them lose the final match.
3. The driver lost control of the truck and hit a stationary bus which then rolled down the slope and sank into the lake.
4. The principal motive of the company is to keep the wages of workers low so that they do not stay long enough to claim retirement benefits.
5. Ravi and Mukesh started the test together but after an hour Ravi had attempted five fewer problems than Mukesh.
6. Everyone like the items served by the restaurant down the lane but I like its coffee the most.
7. The effects of Government's monetary policy are evident from the fact that more and more people have begun filing tax returns.
8. Just before his retirement John decided to divide his property among his four children and also nominate his eldest son as the Chairman of the company.
9. The lame deer, when chased by the hunter, jumped into the river and being unable to swim drowned in its rapid waters.
10. On the orders of the Supreme Court and having failed to obtain a pardon from the President the criminal was finally hanged in the Central Jail.

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