
Syllogism tricks basics part 2


Possible conclusions of the Single statement
1      Statement:
All P are Q
Some P is Q
Some Q is P
2      Statement:
Some P are Q
Some P is Q
Some Q is P
3      Statement:
No P is Q
No Q is p
Some P is not Q
Some Q is not P
Possible conclusions of the Combo statement 
1      Statement:
All P are Q
All Q is R
In this, the common Q is canceled.
As you know,
All + All = All
All P Are Q
Some P is Q
Some Q is P
2      Statement:
All P are Q
Some Q is R
As you know,
All + Some = No Conclusion
So, there is no possibility between this two statements
3      Statement:
All P are Q
No Q is R
Cancel the common Q
All + No = No
No P is R
Some P is not C
4      Statement:
Some P is Q
All Q is R
Cancel the common Q
Some + All = Some
Some P is R
Some R is P
5      Statement:
Some P is Q
Some Q is R
As You Know
Some + some = No Conclusion
So, there is no possibility between this two statements
6      Statement:
Some P is Q
No Q is R
Cancel the common Q
As You Know
Some + No = some not
Some P is not R
7      Statement:
No P is Q
All Q is R
Cancel the common Q
As You Know
NO + All = some not Reserved
Some R is not P
8      Statement:
No P is Q
Some Q is R
Cancel the common Q
As You Know
NO + some = some not Reserved
Some R is nor P
9      Statement:
No P is Q
No Q is R
Cancel the common Q
As You Know
NO + No = No Conclusion
Once you know the each possible conclusion of the single statement as well as the combo. You can easily rearrange the statement in a possible way.
How to rearrange the double statement
First of all, make the Subject and the predict as the same place using the above possible conclusion from the each statement. And the Apply the cancellation method.
For example,
All Monkey is Dog
Some Monkey is Donkey
You know,
All + some = No conclusion
But if you notice there is two common term Monkey so, there is a chance to rearrange the statement.
 Some + All = Some
Now, in this case, you can rearrange the second statement and take it above and then find the conclusion.
Some Monkey is Donkey
Some Donkey Are Monkey
New Statement:
Some Donkey Are Monkey
All Monkey is Dog
Some + All = Some
Some Donkey is Dog
Try some other questions, the more questions you do by this method, the more it becomes fast and easy.

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