
Tense SET – 1

 1. Tim was very upset yesterday because he _____that he ______ his wallet. 

A) realised / will lose 

B) had realised / lost 

C) realised / had lost 

D) realises / loses 

2. While mum __ the VCD I hired, I __ my assignment.

A) was watching / finished

B) is watching 1 had finished 

C) watches / would finish 

D) will watch / am finishing 

3. She __ the house when I __ to her after a long time.

A) will be cleaning / go 

B) had been cleaning / went 

C) has been cleaning / have gone 

D) is cleaning / am going 

4. Some time ago, an interesting discovery __ byarchaeologists on the Aegean Island of Kec. 

A) had to be made 

B) has been made 

C) was made 

D) is made 

5. For the time being we _____ for the exam, but thistime tomorrow we _____ the best movie of this year. 

A) study / will watch 

B) are studying / will be watching 

C) have been studying / are watching 

D) are studying / will have watched 

6. James Bond always drank champagne in thenovels, although he _____ to wine by the time he_____ it to the silver screen. 

A) had switched / made 

B) has switched / has made 

C) switched / had made 

D) was switching / would make 

7. By the end of tomorrow Dortmund __ ChelseaChampions League Cup. 

A) is eliminating 

B) will have been eliminating 

C) has been eliminated 

D) will have eliminated 

8. These days, people who _____ manual work, oftenreceive far more money than clerks who _____ inoffices. 

A) are doing / are working 

B) were doing / were working 

C) have done / have worked 

D) do / work 

9. The theatre company __ a grant of £6.000 and it __a further £2.000 from elsewhere now. 

A) will be given / seeks 

B) has been given / is seeking 

C) is given / has been seeking 

D) was given / has sought 

10. She ___ me at the meetings only on Sundays as achild. 

A) was seeing 

B) has seen 

C) saw 

D) had seen 


1. C

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. D

9. B

10. C

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