
Tense SET – 2

 1. During the summer months, the monastery _____very busy, for it is visited by thousand of people who_____ the pass in cars. 

A) was / crossed 

B) is / crossed 

C) has been / cross 

D) is / cross 

2. _____ and _____ me about your trip to Denver.

A) Sitting down / tell 

B) To sit down/told 

C) Sit down / tell 

D) Having sat down / told 

3. Mother ____ Al that he _____ to clean the garageafter school. 

A) reminded / will promise 

B) has reminded / promises 

C) had reminded / promised 

D) reminded / had promised 

4. The injured_____ to the ambulance while thepeople _____ around the crime scene. 

A) were being taken / were gathering 

B) have been taken / gathered 

C) have been taken / gather

D) were taken / would gather 

5. I couldn't find out what _____.

A) happens 

B) will happen 

C) had happened 

D) has happened 

6. “Hi mum!” ____ Peter, as he ______ himself downon the floor with a groan. 

A) said / had thrown 

B) says / has thrown 

C) has said / is throwing 

D) said / was throwing 

7. It was six o’clock and he ____ bored becausehe_____ for two hours. 

A) was / was waiting 

B) had been / had waited 

C) is / has been waiting  

D) was / had been waiting 

8. The headline of the Guardian was quiteimpressive; “Saddam Hussein____ in Tikrit”. A) had lived 

B) lives 

C) would live 

D) will live 

9. In those times life was hard and bitter for both ofthem. For a whole year they _____ as completestrangers to each other as if they_____ . A) remained / had never met 

B) had remained / had never met 

C) remained / never meet 

D) would remain / would never meet 

10. The mother of Adolph Hitler____ to abort him butsoon she changed her mind and _____ him into theworld. 

A) would think / brought 

B) thinks / brings 

C) was thinking / has brought 

D) had thought / brought 


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. B

9. A

10. D

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