
Tense SET – 5

1) After Sheetal will return (A)/ from Delhi(B) / I will go to meet her.

(C) / No error.(D)


2) My younger brother (A)/ has left (B) /for Bhopal last Saturday. (C)

/No error.(D)

3) I used to work (A) /till 11 pm and (B) / then I go to

bed.   (C) /No error. (D)

4) Air pollution caused by industrial effluents has been studied

(A)/ for years, but only recently has (B)/ the harmful effects of noise

pollution become known(C)/. No error.(D)

5) The judge asked the lady (A)/ if the bag she had lost(B)/

contain ten thousand rupees (C)/No error (D)

6) The ministry was considered several proposals (A)/ for

the development of small and medium enterprises (B)/during Budget discussions.

(C)/No error (D)

7). Having work(A)/ in both public and private sector

banks(B)/she is the most suitable person to take over the post of the

chairman.(C)/No error(D)


8) Rohit started a very small business two years ago (A)/ but it

grew very fast (B)/as the country is experiencing a boom at that time.(C)/No


9)  Keeping in mind the current market conditions (A)/ it has

better for us (B)/ to invest in the infrastructure structure. (C)/No error(D)

10) Since shivani had lived there for many years(A)/the villagers

were very comfortable(B)/ talked to her about all their problems.(C)/No error(D)

11) Our equipment gets (A)/ damage very often in summer (B)/

because there are too many power cuts. (C)/No error (D)

12) Most children liked to rest in the afternoon (A)/ after

they returned from school (B)/but my son seems to have an inexhaustible source

of energy. (C)/No error (D)

13) The cutting down on costs (A)/was the main reason for the

firm to survive (B)/even during a very difficult period. (C)/No error (D)


14)  I will go (A)/ for the dance classes tomorrow (B)/ if I

have recovered from fever. (C)/No error. (D)

15) The principal announced (A)/ in the school assembly that

the school fees (B)/ will be hiked from the beginning of the next academic

session. (C)/No error(D)

Answer with explanation:

1) a   omit will

2)  b

It is clearly mentioned that the activity is of

last Saturday use simple past in part b. So omit ‘has’. 

3) c

 ‘Used to’ is used for past habitual action. In

part c change go to went.

4)  b

use have instead of has as harmful effects of noise

pollution is plural.

5)  c

Replace contain with contained as the sentence is in

past tense.

6)  A

Use simple past tense. (The ministry considered

several proposals)

7)  A

Replace work by worked as the sentence is of past tense.

8)  c

The sentence is of past tense. So use was


9)  B

Replace it has better for us with ‘it

is better for us’ . The sentence is in present tense.

10)  C

Use talking instead of talked as the latter part of

the sentence is in past continuous tense.

11) B

Use damaged instead of damage as the sentence is in

passive voice. Third form of the verb is used in passive voice.

12) C

replace seems by seemed as the sentence is in past


13) D (No error)

14) c

 If I have recovered is to be replaced by if I

recover. Sentences of future beginning with if should be in simple present.

15) C

Replace will with would. (The sentence is in

indirect speech)


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