
18 Kind of Manias

 A person having a craze for anything English – Anglomaniac (अंग्रजी के प्रति दीवानगी)

A person having a craze for collecting books – Bibliomaniac (पुस्तकों का प्यार करनेवाला)

A person having a sickly desire for alcohol – Dipsomaniac (शराब का लती)

A person with an irresistible desire to steal – Kleptomaniac (चोरी करने की दीवानगी)

A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful – Megalomaniac (सर्वशक्तिमान समझने की बीमारी)

A person having an unreasonable interest in any particular living, one idea or area of thought – Monomaniac (किसी एक के प्रति दीवानगी)

A person who has an irresistible desire to set fire – Pyromaniac (आग लगाने की दीवानगी)

A person who believes that he is God – Theomaniac (स्वयं को भगवान समझने की बीमारी)

A person having an excessive attachment to foreign thing – Xenomania (विदेशी सामान के प्रति दीवानगी)

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