In Blood Relations, certain information is given about the members of the family in the question, Based on that information we need to find out the relationship between a particular member of the family. Generally, the question deals with a hierarchical structure which is based on seven generation three above & three below like this:
Generation Male Female
Three generations Great grandfather Maternal great
above↑↑↑ Maternal great Maternal great grandfather grandmother
Great grandfather-in-law Great grandmother-in-law
Two generations Grandfather Grandmother
above ↑↑ Maternal grandfather Maternal grandmother
Grandfather-in-law Grandmother-in-lawOne generations Father, Uncle, Mother, Aunt
above ↑ Maternal uncle, Father- Maternal aunt, Mother-in- in-law law
Current generation Husband, Brother Wife, Sister
(Self) → Cousin, Brother-in-law Cousin, Sister-in-law
One generation Son Daughter
below ↓ Nephew Niece Son-in-law Daughter-in-law
Two generations Grandson Grand daughter
below ↓↓ Grandson-in-law Grand daughter-in-lawThree generations Great grandson Great grand daughter
below ↓↓↓ Great grandson-in-law Great grand daughter-in-
Representation through diagram
⊕ Father-Son
Ï´ Father-Daughter
⊕ Mother-Son
Ï´ Mother-Daughter
- Based on Dialogue or Conversation
- Based on Puzzles
- Based on Symbolically Coded
# Conversation or Dialogue
In this type of question.the one person talking to or doing chit -chat with other person giving information throw pointing to some picture or person.
Madhu said, pointing to Shreya, " His mother is my mother's only daughter".How Madhu is related to Shreya?
a) Father b) Son c) Grandson d) Mother e) None of these
Pointing to a man in a photograph, a man said to a woman, "His mother is the only daughter of your father".How is the woman related to the man in the photograph?
# Based on Puzzles
In this type of question ,You have to conclude the relation between two given person based on more than one information given in the question.
A is the mother of B. B is the sister of C. D is the son of C. E is the brother of D. F is the mother of E. G is the granddaughter of A. H has only two children B and C.
Q1. How F related to H?
a) Son-in-law
b) Daughter-in-law
c) Father-in-law
e) Cannot be determined
Q2. How is C related to E?
b) Son
c) Mother
d) Cousin brother
e) Cannot be determined
Q3. Who is the mother of G?
a) C
b) B
c) F
d) Either B or F
e) Either C or F
Sol: Option (b)
From the above diagram it is clear that F is daughter-in-law of H.
Sol: Option (a)
From the above diagram.It is clear that C is father of E.
Sol: Option (b)
From the above diagram it is clear that B is mother of G.
# Symbols
In this type of question information are coded in the form of ∆#$%&*÷+ etc,..
Read the following information carefully and then answer the question given below.
a)A∆B means A is mother of B
b) A $B means A is sister of B
c) A*B means A is father of B
d) A #B means A is brother of B
Q1. Which of the following means R is uncle of T?
a) R*P#S∆Q$T b)S*P#R*U#T c) P*R#Q$S*T d)P*R$Q$S*T e) None of these
q2. Which of the following means L is paternal grandfather of O ?
a) L*R$M#K#O b)R*L∆P#K$O c) L*M∆R*K#O d) L*R#M*K#O e) None of these