
Common Error asked in SSC exam | Ready Reckoner | Topic Wise | 101+ Sentences


Common Error in SSC Exam

Common Errors In The Use Of Nouns

प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं में अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले Common Error के 101 Sentences को यहाँ शामिल किया गया है जो कि प्रत्येक प्रतियोगी परीक्षा के लिये बेहद उपयोगी है, बहुत तेजी से आप इन्हेंं Revise कर सकते हैं ।

Incorrect : Riches Has Wings.
Correct : Riches Have Wings.
Incorrect : He Is True To His Words.
Correct : He Is True To His Word.
Incorrect : There Are Many Different People In Europe.
Correct : There Are Many Different Peoples In Europe.
Incorrect : My Shoe Is Black.
Correct : My Shoes Are Black.
Incorrect : I Have Broken My Spectacle.
Correct : I Have Broken My Spectacles.
Incorrect : She Has Read Many Poetries Of Tagore.
Correct : She Has Read Many Poems Of Tagore.
Incorrect : Do You Have Two Dozens Pens ?
Correct : Do You Have Two Dozen Pens ?
Incorrect : One Of My Friend Came To Me.
Correct : One Of My Friends Came To Me.
Incorrect : My Father Gave Me A Hundred Rupees Note.
Correct : My Father Gave Me A Hundred Rupee Note.
Incorrect : This Books Cover Is Very Fine.
Correct : The Cover Of This Book Is Very Fine.
Incorrect : Please Do It For Consciences Sake.
Correct : Please Do It For Conscience Sake.
Incorrect : Premchand And Bhagwaticharan’s Novels Are Worth Praising.
Correct : Prem Chand’s And Bhagwati Charan’s Novels Are Worth Praising.

Common Errors In The Use Of Pronouns

Incorrect: One Must Keep His Promise.
Correct : One Must Keep One’s Promise.
Incorrect: I Am Sure It Was Not Him.
Correct : I Am Sure It Was Not He.
Incorrect: We Enjoyed At The Theatre.
Correct : We Enjoyed Ourselves At The Theatre.
Incorrect: None Of Us Know It.
Correct : None Of Us Knows It.
Incorrect: Ramesh And Suresh Love One Another.
Correct : Ramesh And Suresh Love Each Other.
Incorrect: Except He, All Were Present.
Correct : Except Him, All Were Present.
Incorrect: I Met A, Man. Yesterday Who Was Blind
Correct : Yesterday I Met A Man Who Was Blind.
Incorrect: Yours Is The Best Essay.
Correct : Yours Is The Best Essay.
Incorrect: The Cows Of Australia Are Healthier Than India.
Correct : The Cows Of Australia Are Healthier Than Those Of India.
Incorrect: I, You And He Have Done It.
Correct : You, He And I Have Done It.
Incorrect: It Is Bbc London.
Correct : This Is Bbc London.
Incorrect: Let Him And I Work Together.
Correct : Let Him And Me Work Together.

Common Errors In The Use Of Adjectives

Incorrect: Shyam Is The Wisest Of The Two.
Correct : Shyam Is The Wiser Of The Two.
Incorrect: He Is Getting Well Day By Day.
Correct : He Is Getting Better Day By Day.
Incorrect: The Flowers Smell Sweetly.
Correct : The Flowers Smell Sweet.
Incorrect: This Is The More Better.
Correct : This Is Much Better.
Incorrect: No Less Than Fifty Boys Were Present.
Correct : No Fewer Than Fifty Boys Were Present.
Incorrect : Hold These Books In The Both Hands.
Correct : Hold These Books In Both The Hands
Incorrect : Shakespeare Is Greatest Than Any Other Poet.
Correct : Shakespeare Is Greater Than Any Other Poet.
Incorrect : This Cloth Is More Inferior Than That.
Correct : This Cloth Is Inferior To That.
Incorrect : I Have Got A Most Unique Opportunity.
Correct : I Have Got A Unique Opportunity.
Incorrect : You Are More Stronger Than Him.
Correct : You Are Stronger Than He.

Common Errors In The Use Of Articles

Incorrect : Do Not Make Noise.
Correct : Do Not Make A Noise.
Incorrect : The Both Children Are Safe.
Correct : Both The Children Are Safe.
Incorrect : She Saw Snake In Jhe Grass.
Correct : She Saw A Snake In The Grass.
Incorrect : He Is A Heir To Throne.
Correct : He Is An Heir To The Throne.
Incorrect : This Is An Useful Thing.
Correct : This Is A Useful Thing.
Incorrect : The Man Is A Social Animal.
Correct : Man Is A Social Animal.
Incorrect : the gold Is Costly Metal.
Correct : Gold Is A Costly Metal.
Incorrect : More You Read, More You Understand.
Correct : The More You Read, The More You Understand.
Incorrect : I Have Got Headache.
Correct : I Have Got A Headache.
Incorrect : The Cholera Is A Dangerous Disease.
Correct : Cholera Is A Dangerous Disease

Common Errors In The Use Of Verbs

Incorrect : The Captain With His Crew Were Drowned.
Correct : The Captain With His Crew Was Drowned.
Incorrect : Many A Boy Are Doing Fae/R Work.
Correct : Many A Boy Is Doing His Work.
Incorrect : Jagdish Knows To Sw/M.
Correct : Jagdish Knows How To Swim.
Incorrect : The Manager Appointed Him To Be A Clerk.
Correct : The Manager Appointed Him A Clerk.
Incorrect : Slow And Steady Win The Race.
Correct : Slow And Steady Wins The Race.
Incorrect : If You Will Work Hard You Will Pass.
Correct : If You Work Hard, You Will Pass.
Incorrect : Harish As Well As Shirish Are To Blame.
Correct : Harish As Well As Shirish Is To Blame.
Incorrect : The Horse And Carriage Have Arrived At The Door.
Correct : The Horse And Carriage Has Arrived At The Door.
Incorrect : Each Of These Mangoes Are Rotten.
Correct :Each Of These Mangoes Is Rotten.
Incorrect : A Great Many Boys Has Failed.
Correct : A Great Many Boys Have Failed.

Common Errors In The Use Of Adverbs

Incorrect : He Is Kindly Requested To Let Us Know This.
Correct : He Is Requested Kindly To Let Us Know This.
Incorrect : He Was Too Glad To See Me.
Correct : He Was Very Glad To See Me.
Incorrect : This Room Is Enough Large For Him.
Correct : This Room Is Large Enough For Him.
Incorrect : She Went Directly To Her House.
Correct : She Went To Her House Direct.
Incorrect : Ram Can Run Very Fastly.
Correct : Ram Can Run Very Fast.
Incorrect : He Lived Here Seven Years Before.
Correct : He Lived Here Seven Years Ago.
Incorrect : He Will Have To Pay dear For His Sins.
Correct : He Will Have To Pay Dearly For His Sins.

Common Errors In The Use Of Infinitives

Incorrect : Bid Him To Come Here.
Correct : Bid Him Come Here.
Incorrect : I Made Him To Go.
Correct : I Made Him Go.
Incorrect : I Did Nothing But To Gossip And Waste Time.
Correct : I Did Nothing But Gossip And Waste Time.
Incorrect : Let Him To Play Now.
Correct : Let Him Play Now. ,
Incorrect : He Intends To Seeing The Taj This Summer.
Correct : He Intends To See The Taj This Summer.
Incorrect : His Condition Is To Pity.
Correct : His Condition Is To Be Pitied.
Incorrect : Macroni Is Said To Invent Wireless.
Correct : Macroni Is Said To Have Invented Wireless.
Incorrect : The Thief Was Able To Easily Make His Escape.
Correct : The Thief Was Able To Make His Escape Easily.

Common Errors In The Use Of Conjunctions

Incorrect : As He Is Fat; So He Runs Slowly.
Correct : As He Is Fat, He Runs Slowly.
Incorrect : When You Will Go There Then He Will Welcome You.
Correct : When You Go There, He Will Welcome You.
Incorrect : Until You Do Not Come, I Shall Not Go.
Correct : Until You Come, I Shall Not Go.
Incorrect : They Had Hardly Gone A Few Steps That They Saw A Lion.
Correct : They Had Hardly Gone A Few Steps When They Saw A Lion.

Incorrect : No Sooner He Started, It Began To Rain.
Correct : No Sooner Did He Start Than It Began To Rain.

Common Errors In The Use Of Preposition

Incorrect : It Is Eight In My Watch.
Correct : It Is Eight By My Watch.
Incorrect : He Learnt Much From Experience.
Correct : He Learnt Much By Experience.
Incorrect : They Must Abide With The Rules.
Correct : They Must Abide By The Rules.
Incorrect : I Was Surprised On His Conduct.
Correct : I Was Surprised At His Conduct.
Incorrect : She Is Married With My Brother.
Correct : She Is Married To My Brother.
Incorrect : Death Is Preferable Than Dishonour.
Correct : Death Is Preferable To Dishonour.
Incorrect : I Am Certain In My Success.
Correct : I Am Certain Of My Success.
Incorrect : I Am Tired In Doing Thing.
Correct : I Am Tired Of Doing This.
Incorrect : The Doctor Cured Him From Dysentery.
Correct : The Doctor Cured Him Of Dysentery.
Incorrect : He Did Not Comply To My Request.
Correct : He Did Not Comply With My Request.
Incorrect : He Dispensed The Service Of His Clerk.
Correct : He Dispensed With The Service Of His Clerk.
Incorrect : He Acted So With My Suggestion.
Correct : He Acted So Upon My Suggestion.

Common Errors In The Use Of Inappropriate Words

Incorrect : Columbus Invented America.
Correct : Columbus Discovered America.
Incorrect : I Have Sent A Petition For Leave.
Correct : I Have Sent An Application For Leave.
Incorrect : He Has No Rupees.
Correct : He Has No Money.
Incorrect : There Is A Bevy Of Boys.
Correct : There Is A Bevy Of Girls.
Incorrect : It Is An Ancient Sofa.
Correct : It Is An Old Sofa.
Incorrect : He Is Devoted To Gambling.
Correct : He Is Addicted To Gambling.
Incorrect : The Weather Of This Place Suits Me.
Correct : The Climate Of This Place Suits Me.
Incorrect : My Tooth Is Paining.
Correct : My Tooth Is Aching.

Common Errors In The Use Of Superfluous Words

Incorrect : I Am Thirty Years.
Correct : I Am Thirty Years Old. Or, I Am Thirty.
Incorrect : I Walked On My Feet.
Correct : I Walked On Foot.
Incorrect : He Is My Own Father.
Correct : He Is My Father.
Incorrect : This Is A True Fact.
Correct : This Is A Fact.
Incorrect : Mohit Is My Cousin Brother.
Correct : Mohit Is My Cousin.

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