

Government by none – Anarchy (अराजकता)

Government by the nobility – Aristocracy (श्रेष्ठ जनों के द्वारा राज्य शासन)

Government by one man with absolute power -Autocracy (तानाशाही सशक)

Government by officials responsible only to their chiefs – Bureaucracy (नौकरशाही)

Government of the people by the people and for the people – Democracy (लोकतंत्र)

Rule by old men – Gerontocracy (वृद्ध व्यक्तियों का शासन)

Rule bye one woman or women – Gynocracy (महिलाओं का शासन)

Government by a controlling group of people – Hierarchy (सामूहिक शासन)

Rule by those in power due to their ability – Meritocracy (योग्यता के अनुसार शासन)

Government by a crowd of people – Mobocracy (भीड़तंत्र)

Government by a king – Monarchy ( राजा का शासन)

Rule by one person – Monocracy (एक व्यक्ति का शासन)

Government by a few people in power – Oligarchy (अल्प तंत्र)

Government by rich men -Plutocracy (धनि व्यक्तिओं का शासन याधनिक तन्त्र)

Government by many men – Polyarchy (बहुतंत्र)

Rule by the military – Stratocracy (शैन्य शासन)

Government which regards God as its head and is governed by priests/clergymen – Theocracy (पुरोहितों का शासन)

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