
How to Find Cube of a Number

 Dear Readers,

Today, I am sharing the shortcut tricks by which you can make cube of a number. In my previous two article I shared you the shortcut tricks of “how to find square of any number”. But today I am able to show you this trick only for some numbers (1-20 & 90-110). Just follow the rules how number makes cube. I am trying to find out the shortcut trick for other numbers. Whenever I will find it, I will share you.

How to Find Cube of a Number

Rule: 1 Number from 1 to 10

Please don’t use any rules for these numbers. Try to memorize.
1= 1
2= 8
3= 27
4= 64
5= 125
6= 216
7= 343
8= 512
9= 729
10= 1000

Rule: 2 Number Close to 10

10 + 3X | 3X2 | X3      (X will take -Value when the number is below 10 or vice versa & the digit will be one after |  )

If we find the cube of 12 (close to 10), then
123= 10 + 3X | 3X2 | X3         
12= 10 + 3.2 | 3.2223
12= 10 + 6 | 3.48
12= 16 | 128
12= 1728

If we find the cube of 16 (close to 10), then
163= 10 + 3X | 3X2 | X3         
16= 10 + 3.6 | 3.6263
16= 10 + 18 | 3.36216
16= 28 | 108216
16= 28 | 1296
16= 4096

Rule: 3 Number Close to 100

100 + 3X | 3X2 | X3    (X will take -Value when the number is below 100 or vice versa & the digit will be two after |  )

If we find the cube of 105 (close to 100), then
1053= 100 + 3X | 3X2 | X3     
105= 100 + 3.5 | 3.5253
105= 100 + 15 | 3.25125
1053 = 115 | 75| 125
1053 = 115 | 76| 125
105= 1157625

If we find the cube of 96 (close to 100), then
963= 100 + 3X | 3X2 | X3       
96= 100 - 3.4 | 3.42| -43
96= 100 - 12 | 3.16-64
963 = 88 | 48 | -64
963 = 88 | 47 | 36
96= 884736

Rule: 4 Number Close to 20, 30, 40, and 50

Coming soon.

N.B. : Don’t try these tricks for other numbers. 

Questions from this topic:

Q.1: 105+ 153 + 53 = ?
Q.2: 95- 53 + 153 = ?
Q.3: 109= ?
Q.4: 1+ 113 = ?

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