
Mixed Aptitude Quiz For RBI Grade B


Ques 1.

A Raghu borrowed 50000 from two money lenders . For the first loan, he paid 28% pa as simple interest and for the second loan he paid 24% pa. If total interest he paid at the end of the year be 12560, how much amount did he borrow from each lender ?

Solution :

Find total interest 12560 is how much percentage in 50000

Its 25.12

By using allegation

24                   28


2.88                    1.12

Ratio = 2.88:1.12= 18:7

25parts ----- 50000
18parts ------ ?
7parts -------?

He lends = 36,000 and 14,000

Ques 2.

Two trains are running towards each other on parallel tracks at 48 kmph and 42 kmph respectively. Trains lengths are 168m and 182m . In what time will they cross each other from the moment they meet ?

Solution :

Total length to cross = 168+182= 350

Relative speed = 48+42 = 90kmph

Time = (350*18)/(90*5) = 14sec

Ques 3.

X can do a piece of work in 15 days while Y can do it in 20 days. They work together for 6days and the remaining work is done by Z in 2 days .If they get 6500 for the whole work , What will Y 's share ?

Solution :

X working 6days , its done work = 1/15 *6 = 2/5
Y working 6days , its done work = 1/20 *6 = 3/10

They work 6days together = 2/5 + 3/10 = 7/10

Remaining work = 1 - 7/10 = 3/10

Working ratio = 2/5 : 3/10 : 3/10 = 4:3:3

Y' share = 3/10 *6500 = 1950

Ques 4.

5   12.5    54.5   333.5   2676.5       ?

Solution :


Ques 5.

24.99/4.88 + 34.78 + 64.89/12.83 = x find approximate value in place of "x"?

Solution :

25/5 +35+ 65/13 
==>5+35+5= 45

Ques 6.

X^2 - 8X +16=0 ; Y^2-8Y+15 =0 . Find relation between X and Y ?

Solution :

==> X = 4,4

Y^2 -5Y-3Y+15=0
==>Y = 3,5

No relationship established between X and Y

Ques 7.

The sum of five numbers is 280. The average of the first two numbers is 35 and that of the last two numbers is 72. What is the third number?

Solution :

==> 280-(2*35)-(2*72)=66

Ques 8.

The breadth of a rectangular field is 8m. Its diagonal is 17m. What is will be the area of rectangular field ?

Solution :

Length =((d)^2 - (b)^2)^1/2

Area = l*b = 15*8=120m^2

Ques 9.

In how many different ways can the letters of the word EDITION be arranged ?

Solution :

Here I appears twice

Number of ways = (7!)/(2!)= 2520

Ques 10.

If the downstream speed of a boat is 18kmph and its upstream speed is 13kmph , then what is the speed of steam?


Boat Speed = (18+13)/2=15.5

Steam speed = 15.5-13=2.5kmph

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