a) Surds :
The surd is represented with symbol √ .The symbol √ is equals to ½.If we have a number and we are not able to obtain its root. It is called a surd.
The roots of those numbers which cannot be exactly obtained.
Like : √2,√3,√5,√6,√7 and so on.
Mixed Surds : A surd that /which we get by multiplying a surd and a rational number together are called mixed surd.
Like : 7√2,4√3,2√5,6√6,3√7

we write x×x×x×x×x = xᶯ .here x is the base and n is the power of x.
Properties of Surds

Rules of addition for surds.
- Two similar surds can be added.
- Two dissimilar surds cannot be added.
b) Indices :
if ‘n’ is a positive integer and ‘a’ is a real number thenwe write x×x×x×x×x = xᶯ .here x is the base and n is the power of x.